Red Hill Station Has Its “Check, Please! Bay Area” Moment


Red Hill Station is one of Cortlandia’s culinary treasures, and it’s been fun to watch as the rest of San Francisco gradually figures that out.

Bernal neighbors Taylor Pedersen and Amy Reticker create some serious food magic at Red Hill, and last week the wannbe food critics of KQED’s “Check, Please! Bay Area” took Red Hill Station for a televised test drive.

In this episode, our discriminating Check, Please! taste-testers were:

  • Jeff, an epidemiologist
  • Jennifer, a belly dancer
  • Christopher, a deputy district attorney

And of course, we were joined by the glamorous host of the show, Leslie Sbrocco:


Red Hill Station was recommended by Jeff the epidemiologist, and if you want to skip ahead to get to the Bernal part, start watching this video at around the 10:30 mark:

Don’t want to ruin the surprise, but suffice to say… Red Hill Station pretty much blew everyone away. Naturally, we knew that would happen, all along.

IMAGE: Leslie Sbrocco GIF, courtesy of Andy Welfle

11 thoughts on “Red Hill Station Has Its “Check, Please! Bay Area” Moment

  1. That’s great! I still haven’t been to Redhill Station and now it will be even more crowded. My bad. 😉

  2. So proud of them and their team. We love everything about Red Hill and look forward to enjoying it for a long time to come. (One correction: It’s Pedersen, not Pederson. Look at the names on the photo.)

    • +2. I’ve wanted to go since they opened but I can’t afford it either.

    • I bet that if you (and those that feel it’s un-affordable) come back with a donation receipt of your time and property to a non-profit of Red Hill’s choosing, then the owners most likely will treat you to a meal of equivalent value.

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