Secured: Precita Park to be Removed from Calle 24 District


The campaign was brief, and it was intense, but we are pleased to report that it was successful. Precitagate has come to a conclusion. With the support of the 24th Street merchants group, D9 Supervisor David Campos has announced plans to remove Precita Park from the Calle 24 district and restore it to the Citizens of Bernal Heights.

As you recall (because it happened just yesterday), Bernal Heights residents were surprised to learn — belatedly, and for the first time — that Precita Park had been included  as part of the new Calle 24 Latino Cultural District created by merchants from 24th Street in the Mission. The resolution creating Calle 24 was sponsored by Supervisor Campos, and in a process that’s still not fully understood, Precita Park was included as part of the Calle 24 district — and thus may have been subject to various special use restrictions that a Calle 24 district designation may one day entail. Only, no one remembered to tell the residents and merchants of Precita Park that Precita Park was part of the Calle 24 district. Oops.

In any event, the inappropriateness of this has now been acknowledged, and Supervisor Campos’s office released a statement late yesterday to announce that Precita Park will be removed from Calle 24:

Recognizing Calle 24 Latino Cultural District is important to preserve the integrity of the neighborhood and promote its unique spirit. It was the intent of the community leaders and organizers working on this project to demonstrate the historical significance of 24th Street and the surrounding places that have impacted the neighborhood. Precita Park and La Raza Park were two of many significant landmarks included in the resolution. However, because of concerns related to future steps regarding the formal recognition of the Calle 24 Latino Cultural District, on Tuesday, I will submit a clarifying resolution that will amend the resolution and remove Precita Park and La Raza Park from the Latino Cultural District.

This is welcome news, and we are thrilled to see this matter resolved unambiguously. Bernalwood will continue to monitor the Calle 24 resolution to ensure that Precita Park is removed as promised.

Some outstanding issues remain, however. Like, how did Precita Park become part of Calle 24 in the first place? And why didn’t anyone tell us about it along the way?

Finding definitive answers to these questions has been challenging. Thankfully, we also heard from Erick Arguello, president of the Calle 24 Merchants and Neighbors Association, who writes:

Calle 24 SF is a community organization that lead the planning efforts for the [Calle 24] resolution with the Latino Historical Society and SF Historical Society. The Latino Cultural District is the resolution that covers the area. Precita Park, Potrero del Sol were added when the historical context statement was created. It brought together areas that had historical significance in the Latino community, its history and contributions for the area. Precita Park is were the first Carnaval events were held over 35 years ago and continues today. Many rallies and protest by the Latino community were held there when Los Siete were incarcerated. 24th and Mission BART Plaza also holds historical significance for the Latino Community, called Plaza Sandino by the community. This occured when many rallies and protest were centered on the plaza during the Central American war in Nicaragua.

Its a symbolic resolution that has no teeth to land use, the park, businesses or the surrounding Precita Valley. Many other areas or sites of San Francisco will be added when the SF Latino Historical context statement is completed. (Which is a separate project)

Its not a historic district, but a cultural district. The name itself may bring confusion. Its basically saying that Precita Park holds historical significance in the history of the Latino community of San Francisco. Calle 24 and the surrounding area holds many many points of history and culture and events.

If we offended anyone it was not the intention and a mistake on our part for not reaching out.

We are moving to remove Precita Park from the resolution.

Bernal Heights is grateful to Mr. Arguello for clarifying this, and for his understanding in removing Precita Park from the Calle 24 district. Soon, we hope to return to the pre-Calle 24 status quo.

24th Street will be part of the Mission.

Precita Park will be part of Bernal Heights.

Bernal Heights remains extremely proud of its Latino history and culture, and the borders that distinguish Precita Park from 24th Street will remain invisible and permeable, in an arrangement that provides rich benefits to both neighborhoods — as has been the case for decades and generations before, and (we hope) many more to come.

PHOTO: Precita Park on May 25, 2014, by Telstar Logistics

50 thoughts on “Secured: Precita Park to be Removed from Calle 24 District

    • I don’t think it is xenophobic to ask for a “heads up.” As I have commented on previous post before, maybe it would be welcomed and Calle 24 extended further into Bernal, we’ll never know because there was zero communication.

      My family immigrated from Nicaragua, and my wife immigrated from Mexico. Am I xenophobic for simply wanting community involvement and communication about something as large as a cultural district distinction at park I frequently every week. All this must make me a Tío Tomás.

      • I agree with Brian. If this had been managed and executed differently, the outcome might well have been different. But to have it treated as a fair accompli was not acceptable.

  1. Let’s just rename California, “the mission” and everyone will sleep better at night.

  2. Pingback: Imperial Overreach | Burrito Justice

  3. This is interesting to see happen literally over night, we’ll see if there is follow through. My personal experience with Campos in setting appointments “yes, of course speak to a member of my staff and we get you scheduled.” then crickets. We shall see what happens

  4. Todd, thanks for covering this! Despite all the heat, there is light here, and I honestly think we are all on the same big, diverse, vibrant page. Now, back to picking up the poop in Precita Park….:)

  5. While I too was surprised by the inclusion of Precita Park and the lack of outreach, Erick Arguello is a stellar community activist and I absolutely take him at his word that no offense was intended–and certainly no land grab or annexation ;-). His explanation that inclusion in the cultural district is “basically saying that Precita Park holds historical significance in the history of the Latino community of San Francisco” sheds so much light. I would love for Precita Park to be remembered in this way for its place in SF’s Latino history. But I guess it’s too late for that. (For those of you unfamiliar with Erick, check out this great BAR article from several years ago )

    • Thanks Barbara/ I encouraged Erick to mention the historical significance of Precita Park in the revised version of the resolution, for precisely this reason. My only request was to remove Precita Park from the formal definition of the Calle 24 district boundaries, since our community did not have the opportunity to consider and consent to this beforehand.

  6. Pingback: Supervisor Campos Annexes Precita Park, Cedes It to Mission District Merchants and Power-Brokers | Bernalwood

  7. Campos got his butt kicked here. Good. Hope the voters kick him in the butt next week and make him spend 2 more years in a job he clearly hates (Supervisor) and then he’ll be outta politics for good as he’s useless!

  8. Thank you! This annoyed me all day yesterday. I will be dancing with the unicorn!

    Sent from my iPhone

  9. While I agree that it would have been better for him to consult more people, this was a pretty minor issue that got greatly exaggerated by this blog. Pretending to be the voice of the neighborhood, Bernalwood incited a bunch of virtual nastiness coming from a strange demographic of people… Wealthier white homeowners who are somehow being convinced that supporting a latino cultural district in a non binding resolution will somehow greatly harm, discriminate and impact them. Now that Todd has successfully fomented revolution for the oppressed white homeowner demographic , can we get a blog post that brings out Men’s Rights advocates? I’m still willing to bet you Todd that your blog despite claiming to be the voice of Bernal is not representative of the actual neighbors.

    A small sample of examples of this from the last post:

    I am NOT Hispanic. I feel discriminated against

    I feel your pain and totally agree. How about a people agenda, no hispanic, no black, no white, no gay/lesbian.

    The business ‘leaders’ and ‘civic’ leaders from Calle 24 and Mission Neighborhood Centers are my neighbors and they are trying to run non-Latin businesses out of the neighborhood through threats, lies, set ups, graffiti tagging, posters and intimidation, all with Campos’ blessing. Fact.

    I have a problem with the racial aspect of this proposal,

    His disdain for Bernal and Bernalites is no longer even thinly disguised.

    It seems like they are the usual group of implacable extremists trying to impose their (even for SF) extreme views on others.

    Seems he is more interested in only the Latino vote and their issues than being an all-inclusive elected representative.

    He’s just trying to ride to more power by using the Latino vote.

    • sing it Nate. I’m with you and you made a little less depressed yesterday and even more so today. Thanks for speaking up.

    • “While I agree that it would have been better for him to consult more people”

      Yes, it would have. And that, right there, was all that the post was about.

  10. Nate, you do understand the difference between things I write, and things that commenters (like you) write, yes? Also, you (nor I) know much about the demographics of the commenters. Lay off the name-calling and the political arrogance, and maybe you’d be more effective at starting an important conversation.

    • Hi Todd.

      Thanks for you reply. Yes, I understand the difference between commenters and what you write. Do you understand that when you frame issues in a particular way that results in many people responding with reactionary or borderline racist comments that there may be a problem? If you believe this is a community about ‘neighborliness’ and ‘connectedness’ then I would imagine that you would have something to say about that, but so far you haven’t.

      I take issue with the fact that you presented a group of people like Erick Arguello who are really struggling to preserve a foothold here as ‘powerbrokers,’ when their current situation would tell a very different story. I take issue with the fact that you made it sounds as if our supervisor (who is in fact a Bernal resident) tried to Russian Style annex part of our neighborhood to a latino cabal of power brokers when this was simply a non-binding resolution to support a group of our neighbors who by all accounts are rapidly being displaced. I think it is totally legitimate to question the process of it, the community outreach etc. Thats great, good for you. Its the other stuff that I feel stirs up a certain amount of nastiness or ‘us against them’ attitude that is divisive. That is evidenced by the comments section here and I am confident that there are better ways to present issues like this.

      No, I can’t know that much about the commenters here other than the anonymous things that they write. I do know that it is often the case that many of the people who comment here feel that their rights or interests are being subsumed by people who are struggling to stay here. Its true that it is hard for me to empathize with people who are whining about moving into a million dollar homes and having to hear about the people who had to leave, especially when they gloat about it. This does not mean that I want to build a wall around Bernal. I like a lot of the new neighbors (am friends with molly samuel who at one time wrote for this blog) and its not about excluding people for me or really I think anyone who has been here for a long time. But if you are just moving here or if you have been here for a long time, its probably a good idea not to be an asshole to your neighbors who are having a hard time. Thats kind of entitlement is what I have a real problem with. I am by far not the first person to point out here; this is a consistent theme or ‘an important conversation’ that was voiced here many times before me.

      The reason that I said that I would bet you that Campos would win Bernal was to show that this group of commenters is not representative of the actual Bernal community. You can misname that as ‘arrogance’ or ‘entitlement’ but its really an invitation to make your blog more inclusive and representative of the entire neighborhood. Because otherwise you are just pretending. Right now this so-called community is bumming a lot of people out, as many of the commenters expressed. It is your prerogative to be incendiary, to bring out people who bizzarely think they are the victims of reverse classism and racism or you could make this an actual community.



      • Nate, the political arrogance thing is clearly going to be a struggle for you. Some of your facts are a bit skewed as well. But I’m listening.

        Look, bottom line here is that Bernalwood is more or less an open mike. Most of the time, I’m just the MC. If there is a story that you think should be told here, then tell it. You know the email address, and if you have a photo, send that too.

      • Oh, and HINT HINT HINT, you clearly have a handle on the voting data, so a post-primary analysis of Bernal voting patterns would be ridiculously interesting.

      • Thanks Todd.

        That may be somewhat difficult as I am on a different continent at the moment and I would need to go to DOE for the results. I do appreciate the offer though and would look forward to that at another time.

        The most recent competitive election in Bernal was the 2011 Mayors race. We know that Ed Lee ended up winning but that would not have been the case if it were up to Bernal.

        While I don’t have access to precinct data, the department of elections says…

        South Bernal gave 281 votes to Ed Lee, 399 to David Chiu and 1673 votes to John Avalos.

        North Bernal had 167 Ed Lee fans 332 people who voted for Chiu and a whopping 1841 who voted for Avalos.

        Avalos won Bernal heights by a landslide (more than three times as much as Chiu and the mayor combined) and he is very closely aligned with Campos. I see this, combined with the fact that most of the people who I speak to actually really liking Campos as a strong indicator that Campos will be the clear winner in our neighborhood. I apologize if you find that arrogant.

      • Very cool data! Although, you’re still holding a blog up against a standard that is absurd on its face, and particularly absurd in a liberal and tolerant community: That it should somehow be a 1:1 representation of… an election result? You’ve successfully proven a point no one has argued.

        Anyway, no worries about your jet set lifestyle. No rush at all. Whenever you look at the data from the upcoming election, it would be fascinating to hear whatever stories you think it tells. Graphs! Charts! Analysis! The stage is yours whenever you might be so inclined.

      • there’s nothing “borderline” about the racist comments on this blog, they are firmly in the racist camp. re: the article– campos didn’t ask the “residents and merchants” of precita park because there are none. there are residents and merchants around it, but precita park is open space.

  11. Maybe a nice solution would be a plaque in the park highlighting the historical importance.

  12. Nate seems to think that only one opinion can be expressed at one time, and all others must be suppressed. I note he has been welcomed to comment here, even though he’s been nothing but insulting to the other commentators. And of course he can always found his own blog if he doesn’t like the people who read this one.

  13. Both this blog’s post and nate’s post were over-exaggerated, but the comments he highlighted are very disheartening, and are insulting to a lot of (non)commentators, so I’m not sure it’s him, but maybe you who think only one opinion can be expressed at a time. And of course he’s welcome to comment here, this isn’t fascism.

    • I’m not sure this appeared properly as it’s meant to be a reply to Judge Crater’s comment

  14. I’ve got mixed thoughts about this post, but for the most part I agree with Nate. One the one hand, I totally agree that the Precita Park community should have been in on the discussion about being included in Calle 24. Even if it is non-binding, it is still an official act of our city government and folks have a right to want to be fairly represented by our city government, which means being respected and included in these kind of actions. And I love Todd’s long-standing promotion of a Bernal identity, including his hysterical fanning the flames of inter-neighborhood conflict and competition. He’s been doing that pretty much since this blog started and I see these posts as mostly being in that vein. But I am also uncomfortable with some of the tone of Todd’s post and think it could have put the Calle 24 thing in a fairer context that showed more respect for the deeper race/culture/economic issues that are so obviously present here. It’s difficult to read the original post without thinking that there is something about the Calle 24 thing being a Latino thing that makes it offensive to Todd. I really hope the Bernalwood community is not full of a bunch of racists but it’s hard not to think that after reading the original post and the comments that follow. Since I know Todd’s history of militant pro-Bernal invective, I’m quite sure this post was meant in the same vein and the Latino part of the Calle 24 was irrelevant to him. But I think Nate makes a legitimate point that the tone of the original post set the tone for the discussion that followed and Todd would have been well served to realize that beforehand in the original post and also to weigh in on that issue in the comments, rather than appear to fan those flames.

    I mean, do any of us really have a problem with Precita Park being identified as a Latino cultural institution/site? I can’t believe that’s true. Is it reasonable for us to want to be part of any city resolution that seeks to formally connect Precita Park to 24th St. and the Mission, even if just on a cultural level? Definitely! Would we then likely endorse/support such connection once we get assurances regarding the intent/goal/effects of such designation? Maybe? Would we express support for the idea of acknowledging Precita Park’s role in the city’s Latino history, and support its being connected on some metaphysical level to other areas important to the city’s Latino history, even if those other areas are in a neighboring neighborhood? I would like to think so. Otherwise, what are we saying here — keep Precita Park white? I hope not.

    • I very deliberately didn’t opine on the basic premise of Calle 24 (mostly, I think it’s none of my business). I also did very explicitly honor Bernal’s Latino heritage in the post.

      But that said, I don’t think it is out of bounds to disagree with the basic premise of Calle 24, as some commenters did. Nor do I think that doing so is necessarily indicative of anti-Latino animosity or a “conservative” political disposition, or (as you suggest) a desire to “keep Precita Park white.”

      I do understand well that some people hear it that way. I also know this is all very sensitive, and very personal to many members of our community. I hear that from all sides, in fact. Everyone tends to say/feel the same thing, actually: “It’s so alienating. Why are they acting like we don’t belong here?”

      Again, all this is sensitive, and it usually comes in many shades of gray. But as you’ve already seen below, there are lots of opinions about this, and so long as folks avoid name-calling and demonization, my feeling is that the conversation, though difficult, is legitimate and should be allowed to take place. But here too, reasonable people might disagree.

    • You crystalized with these two sentences why people where so upset. “I totally agree that the Precita Park community should have been in on the discussion about being included in Calle 24. Even if it is non-binding, it is still an official act of our city government and folks have a right to want to be fairly represented by our city government, which means being respected and included in these kind of actions.”

      Period, full stop.

      I do not see Bernalwood or Bernal Heights Residence as Anti-Latino, quite the opposite. Folks have a right to want to be fairly represented by our city government, which means being respected and included in these kind of actions.

  15. “I mean, do any of us really have a problem with Precita Park being identified as a Latino cultural institution/site? I can’t believe that’s true.”

    — Of course some of us have a problem with it. Precita Park should not be designated by any single race. Nor should any park be assigned to any specific racial/cultural zone IMO.

    • Wow.

      First of all, there’s no “assigning” going on here. It’s an acknowledgement of the historical cultural importance of a place to a specific community of people. It’s not exclusive, meaning that others are free to do the same thing if they want. And it’s not exclusionary, meaning that it doesn’t deny or sever any other relationships, past present or future.

      Second, if your issue is really about “any single race” and “any specific racial/cultural zone,” and not just about Latinos and Calle 24, what about Chinatown, Japantown, the Fillmore, North Beach, etc…? And while we’re at it, what about the Castro? Should they all not be identified by/with the communities of people that currently “claim” them? Should the city not be allowed to recognize the historical relationships and importance of those places to those communities?

      I think what you might be trying to get at is some sort of color-blind world where there are no Latinos, no African-Americans, no Chinese, Japanese, Italians, etc. — just Americans or just San Franciscans. Not only would that be unfair and immoral, it would be pretty damn boring.

  16. I haven’t enjoyed the tenor of these posts on Calle 24 and it has served of a reminder to me that this blog is the perspective of Todd Lapin, not Bernal Heights, though the author often asserts to speak for an entire neighborhood.

    “Bernal Heights is grateful to Mr. Arguello…”
    That irks me, as does the insincere sounding last paragraph that also claims to speak for the neighborhood.

    Personally, I saw no problem with including Precita Valley in Calle 24, though I always think more outreach is better. That said, it’s really hard to do anything in this town without offending or leaving anyone out so I trust Erick Arguello and the other activists working to preserve some of the identity of the Mission … particularly as the identity of Bernal rapidly changes.

    • I don’t understand. Why does gratitude irk you? I assure you the last graf was 100 percent sincere. Then again, if you doubt my motives, you probably read it all differently.

  17. I think Nate raises an important point about all of the ugly comments on these two posts. It concerns me that there are a bunch of entitled or insensitive or angry or latently racist people participating in this discussion, and I think if we don’t call that shit out, we all deserve blame for tacitly acknowledging that this type of ugliness is okay on Bernalwood.

    Nate is right that Bernal Heights is one of the most progressive neighborhoods in this progressive city. I bet there are a lot more radical progressives (and even socialists and communists) in Bernal than there are people who are concerned about freaking “reverse racism” from a latino cultural district. But that’s not reflected in the comments on this site.

    Which isn’t to say that the progressives and socialists are right and the urbanists and YIMBYs are wrong. But I think it’s important to realize that the views on this blog are not representative of the whole neighborhood. And that’s fine. But please remember that this comment section doesn’t speak for the collective Bernal consciousness. And how about we all try to keep a little empathy and compassion for each other in mind before we click “post”?

    • Is there any place outside of this insular city where people would regularly imply a dichotomy between “urbanists and YIMBYs” and progressives? Doubtful.

    • Right on Jeremy. And I agree that the real progressives aren’t making their presence here; It’s probably because the overall tone of this blog is pretty middle of the road and not really (not often) addressing the huge social problem in SF.

  18. I’m sorry, where in all this Calle 24 resolution was it mentioned that ‘Precita Park is part of the Mission’?
    That is bad journalism (yes, I know it’s only a blog …) and it is exactly the kind of statement that causes false divisions and distracts from much much more important ongoing issues. Sometimes it’s good to step back and ponder whether in the larger scheme of things the fight that was picked was the relevant one.

    This whole bernal blog/comment feud is a perfect example of how SF microhood tribalism, NIMBYism (no Latino cultural district in my backyard!), and narrow self-focus are the dark forces taking away from bright and beautiful things.

    It’s also amazing how getting Precita park removed for the resolution is a great victory. What now? Again step back and broaden your view. The fact that the removal was so quick and easy underlines how meaningless this whole charade has been.

    Hey, how is that affordable housing construction going in Bernal? Or just increased density housing? Not interested? How about bike lanes? Local businesses not on Cortland? Sports facilities? Parking madness for alemany market? Constructive things to do for local youth? Or just the dog shit in the parks? Or is it enough to be labeled the ‘hottest neighborhood’ by some scheming realtors? Yes it’s the perfect neighborhood for affluent peninsula workers to sleep in and not be bothered by the greater good.

    • Cantwealljustgetalong you’re hilarious. We can all just get along when people like yourself are less prejudice.

    • I”ve been reading this blog for about a year or so, and enjoy a lot of the interesting posts and the eye opening comments by Bernal residents.

      Cantwealljustgetalong, you really resonated with me in a big way.

      There really is a need for those of us who are struggling to stay in our homes and keep our jobs here to participate on blogs like this, because even though the blog tends to be more about lighthearted “neighborly” news and stories.. a strong lean towards an entertainment blog, I feel that there’s a dearth of input and participation from the huge number of folks who are poorer and renting on this hill.
      People who are struggling just to pay rent, or who are under threat of being ‘removed’ or who stress out every time their local grocery store raises prices on staple foods, ( I’m talkin’ about me in case it’s not clear…but I’m far from alone here).. feel more and more alienated here in lovely Bernalwood.

      I took the comments made by Nate Miller to ring true and they did not ring as politically arrogant at all.
      I would like to see more of the residents here represented in the comments, and all they have to do is show up and post.

      I would definitely like to see more posts by Mr. Lapin on the fire in the living room known as economic cleansing.

      The biggest issues I see are economic and classism, and those things are color blind. Rich people of all colors are pushing out less fortunate here.
      But I and my economic kin do contribute to this place. I teach people music and I’m very good at it. I perform music and I’m very good at it.
      I don’t get paid quite enough to thrive but I was making ends meet before the hottest neighborhood in the country made my landlords and grocer greedy.

      There has to be an end to the mindset that just because you have less money, you don’t have value to a community.

      So thank you Cantwealljustgetalong and Nate Miller and those of you who don’t fall into the laziness of saying ..”well if you can’t afford to live here, move.. that’s JUST the way it is.”
      What a cultural wasteland this place will be if it ends up as only homes out of Sunset magazine.

  19. I do not see the prejudice (I do however feel yours, it’s loud) in Cantwealljustgetalong’s share. His/her points are valid and have teeth. Strong teeth with a sharp bite because they are social issues that impact the quality of humanity. Ramifications that affect the very same “people” made up of “ALL” ethnicities AND who are struggling to stay fighting against being replaced by those moving here with lucrative salaries. Salaries of affluent families/couples mandatory and required if one is to move into this area “today.” No home below a million will soon be found anywhere near, in or around Bernal/Mission. And since I don’t know of any middle class millionaires holding union jobs, or working as maintenance engineers (i.e janitors) owning near/next to me, how then can it be A community made up of American middle class. This is what once was. But the verdict is in for the jury has casted their vote. Gone are the days of home made swings made up from rope and old radial tires commonly seen hanging off the limbs of the Cyprus’s on the hill. Heck, we don’t even care for them tiny, itsy-bitsy, teensy-weensy, two, three, and four person jacuzzis anymore. Enter the “new” Bernal Heights with heated “swimming pools” and “steam rooms” being built in our very own backyards. Yes, you heard right! No lie.

    And yes, I do see and feel the “Oh this is a beautiful place to live with all of its cultural diversity, (i.e. so long as it’s not in my backyard.)” from some, not all–there are many great folks surrounding me– of my neighbors. Many who instantaneously will disagree with my essay will surface in here with strong comments that will further justify such feelings as a direct result of an emotionally fueled rebuttal to this very same essay forcefully being opposed as it is read. Moreover, this endangered quality of cultural variety that once was so ordinary to us living in Bernal, should by now no longer be controversial as it clearly has begun to sink in for many–even city politicians.

    Oh? You say otherwise? Really? In all of my years living in this area, I cannot tell of any time, nor can I remember of us here in the Mission/Bernal needing “saving” (other than from police brutality commonly practiced on us by the law enforces themselves) by any political efforts in town. The mere fact that a supervisor and an entire group of citizens have gone out of their way making political efforts to ensure that a part of this neighborhood is not forgotten as a result of an ethnic group becoming rare and scarce “is” clear, true, and irrefutable evidence of defensive counter efforts to real threats and concrete risks of being lost and terminated forever. I, like my my wife, mom, dad, brothers, sisters, cousins, in-laws, uncles, aunts, grandfather, grandmother, godmother, godfather– who have “all” immigrated here from South America “all” bare witness to such drastic changes and need no further convincing. Of course, recent unfolding events of political efforts made by our supervisor and community leaders mentioned in here by Bernalwood’s editor seals this topic/debate shut. Again–the verdict is in.

    The only diversity I see left today in Bernal is Lupe, the nanny who pushes the double stroller up the hill everyday at noon; Maria who cleans the apartments in the building next to me every Tuesday; Jose the landscaper who comes daily to water and feed the plants; and Vicente, the handyman who fixes the creaky redwood deck in the backyard of those living in front of me; I see him every summer just before Memorial Day. Problem is, none of them really count since one lives in Petaluma, the other comes from Pittsburgh, Jose from Richmond, and Vicente comes from Antioch.

    I don’t believe any of them, the very ones who make up this “diversity” everyone affirms to love so much about this locale will be buying a home near me anytime soon.

    The jury has come to a vote, the gavel has fallen firmly and sound; the judge has now closed the case.

    • The gavel has struck down HARD and the verdict is IN. Here it is: it will be MONEYBAGS runnin’ the show. Strolling down on Cortland with a hot fancy cane and some poodles. Or it’s BICHON FRISE. Moneybags. The guy is wavin’ stuff around, big bags ‘o dough, looks like from here. He’s not “swinging easy.” He’s not “chill and relax.” Big shot’s got fancy stuff & shiny ass shoes. Pressed white suit. And those damn POODLES. Uh oh, here comes trouble. Gotta say “no way.”

  20. Pingback: Your Superhyperlocal Analysis of 2014 Primary Election Results from Bernal Heights | Bernalwood

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