UPDATED: Is This the Best Bernal Heights Halloween Costume of 2013?


Neighbor Daroom just sent me this podium-grade contender for the Best Bernal Heights Halloween Costume of 2013.

It comes in the form of a live impersonation of the mysterious but Yelp-popular Sheepskin City (and discount Toyota Prius battery service provider) that’s such a prominent fixture on the corner of Cesar Chavez and Bryant.

Did you see any other awesome costumes in Bernal yesterday? Send ’em in!  bernalwood@gmail.

UPDATE: Photobernalist Adrian Mendoza shares his photos of becostumed Bernalese from yesterday:

1. Carolina Vallejo invokes her inner “Frida Kahlo” as she staffs the Copy Central Mission on Halloween:

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2. This gentleman was sitting outside the Bernal Library, waiting for his wife and child, one of which, he said, would be dressed as wasabi:

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3. Land shark attack!

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4. Goldilocks and the 3 Bears:

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5. Trick or treaters:

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6. Mother and son on the 67 bus. “Don’t worry, mijo,” she said, “no one’s going to mistake you for a real cholo. You’re carrying a “Monsters, Inc” candy bag.”

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UPDATE: Miss Lisa from the Bernal Heights Rec Center After School programs sends this along:

After the mini carnival run by our middle schoolers on Halloween day, a few of us went Trick or Treating on Cortland. A student named Younger dressed as a Bloody Butcher, complete with a sickle and a package of wrapped brains. I knew that we had to pay a visit to Avedano’s, and they were awesome to let us take some pics:


3 thoughts on “UPDATED: Is This the Best Bernal Heights Halloween Costume of 2013?

  1. Pingback: Saturday: Bring Your Little Monsters to Cortland for Halloween | Bernalwood

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